April 12, 2017

May 6: Readings and Workshops with Poets Jan Beatty and Major Jackson

The Poetry Center at PCCC offers readings as part of the Distinguished Poets Series five times a year. The May 6, 2017 reading will feature Jan Beatty and Major Jackson. Readings are held at the Hamilton Club Building, 32 Church Street (corner of Ellison St.), Paterson, NJ at 1 PM.

Jan Beatty’s books include The Switching Yard, Red Sugar, Boneshaker Mad River and Jackknife: New and Selected Poems (Pitt Poetry Series, 2017). For the past twenty years, Beatty has hosted and produced Prosody, a public radio show featuring national writers on NPR affiliate WESA-FM. Awards include publication in Best American Poetry 2013, the Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry, two PCA fellowships, and the Creative Achievement Award from the Heinz Foundation. She is a professor of English at Carlow University, where she directs the creative writing program, runs the Madwomen in the Attic Writing Workshops, and teaches in the MFA program.

Major Jackson is the author of the poetry collections Roll Deep (2017), Holding Company, Hoops and Leaving Saturn, which was awarded the Cave Canem Poetry Prize and was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award in Poetry. His poems and essays have appeared in AGNI, American Poetry Review, Callaloo, The New Yorker, Ploughshares, Poetry, Tin House and in Best American Poetry. He is a recipient of a Pushcart Prize, a Whiting Writers’ Award, and has been honored by the Pew Fellowship in the Arts and the Witter Bynner Foundation in conjunction with the Library of Congress. Jackson lives in South Burlington, Vermont, where he is the Richard Dennis Green and Gold Professor at the University of Vermont. He serves as the Poetry Editor of the Harvard Review.

Workshops with Jan Beatty and Major Jackson will be held prior to the reading. All workshops take place from 10 am to 12 pm at the Poetry Center (Hamilton Club building in Paterson), which is also the site of that day's Distinguished Poets reading in the afternoon. Pre-registration is required and each workshop has a fee of $20. There is limited enrollment. Please call the Poetry Center at 973-684-6555 to check on registration availability and go to PoetryCenterPCCC.com website for information on registration for workshops, all readings and directions to the Poetry Center.


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