with award-winning poets, Maria Mazziotti Gillan & Kevin Carey
May 16̶ 18, 2025
at an English Manor House in Mendham, New Jersey

The purpose of this retreat is to give poets the space and time to focus on their writing away from the pressures and distractions of everyday life. Participants will draft poems in the workshops and should bring paper or a notebook, pens, and the willingness to take risks. Please also bring previously-written work for one-on-one critiquing sessions and for group readings.
St Marguerite’s Retreat House, located in Mendham, NJ — is situated on 93 acres of wooded land with pathways for exploring the property. This serene, beautiful setting is perfect for contemplating nature and nurturing the creative spirit.
This poetry weekend intensive is open to all writers over the age of 18.
Request by Retreat House: All Participants must have been inoculated and present proof of vaccination. (Please send copy of your vaccination card with registration form).
Time: Begins 5 p.m. Friday, May 16, 2025 and ends 1:30 p.m. Sunday, May 18, 2025
At this retreat, poets will find:
• support and encouragement;
• stimulating writing exercises/prompts leading to the creation of new work;
• workshop leaders who are actively engaged in the writing life;
• opportunities to read their work aloud to the group;
• a community of writers and networking opportunities.
Fifteen professional development credits granted.
Poetry Weekend Intensive Schedule:
➢ Friday, May 16, 2025: Please arrive by 5 PM and settle into your rooms.
After dinner, we will break into two groups (about 12 to 15 in each), where
we will have the opportunity to write poetry and share the work.
➢ Saturday, May 17, 2025: After breakfast, we will break into two groups for
morning workshops. Lunch will be served, followed by one afternoon
workshop and either free time or a critiquing session with the poet faculty.
Interested participants can sign up in advance (at the retreat house) and may
bring previously written, typed work for feedback.
After dinner, there will be an additional workshop.
* On Friday and Saturday evenings, the two groups will come together and
we will share our work—either something written on the weekend or
➢ Sunday, May 18, 2025: Breakfast followed by a workshop. A final reading by
participants will serve as the “closing ceremony” to what we hope will be an
inspiring and productive weekend. Lunch will offer another opportunity for
socializing and networking.
We envision this intensive as a journey, allowing us to look at things differently,
listen to our own inner voice, and create in stillness and community. This is an
opportunity to retreat from the noise and busyness of everyday life and invite the
muse to inspire us. In the workshops, we will capture our stories and memories on
paper, and discover how poetry can, so often, save our lives.