December 02, 2024

Soothsayer, Healer, Tale-teller

From Joe McHugh's American Family Stories podcast series, here is an audio story by Maria Mazziotti Gillan.

Maria tells the story of the courtship of her father and mother which began in San Mauro, Italy and brought them to Paterson, New Jersey.The focus in this story is her mother, Angelina, who Maria described in a poem as ''Soothsayer, Healer,Tale-teller / There was nothing you could not do.''

Click this link to listen to the interview and a poem Maria wrote about her mother as a tribute after her death. 

Angelina Schiavo Mazziotti

Further Reading - an article in The New York Times about Maria finding her heritage and her voice. 

Maria Mazziotti Gillan's new poetry collection is When the Stars Were Still Visible (2021). Other recent publications are the poetry and photography collection, Paterson Light and Shadow and the poetry collections What Blooms in Winter and The Girls in the Chartreuse Jackets which pairs her poems with her paintings. Maria's artist's website is and her poetry website is

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