September 23, 2019

Distinguished Poets Workshops in Paterson

The Poetry Center at PCCC offers Saturday morning workshops in conjunction with the Distinguished Poets Reading Series.

The Distinguished Poets Series poetry workshops are $20 and pre-registration is required. There is limited enrollment. Workshops generally fill quickly.

All workshops take place from 10 am to 12 pm at the Poetry Center (Hamilton Club building in Paterson), which is also the site of that day's Distinguished Poets reading in the afternoon.

Download printable (pdf) workshop brochure which includes a registration form

The workshops with Jericho Brown, Richard Blanco and Mark Doty are already full. For questions and to confirm that workshops are still open to registration, email or call 973-684-6555.

For bios of the workshop poets, see our readings page
October 5, 2019     Molly Peacock or Rachel Wiley
December 7, 2019 Raena Shirali
March 14, 2020      Sam Sax or Dante Di Stefano
April 4, 2020          Dan Donaghy or Sean Doherty

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